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The Municipal Office is represented by the mayor, vice-mayors, the secretary and the personnel assigned for respective departments and divisions of the Office.

Within the sphere of independent authority, the Municipal Office performs tasks assigned by the Board of Town Representatives and the Town Council. The Municipal Office also provides Committees and Commissions of the Board of Town Representatives and of the Town Council with the assistance in activities such as necessary administrative work or dealing with background documentation.

Within the sphere of delegated authority, the Municipal Office carries out state administration in matters whose negotiations and decision-making were exclusively entrusted to the Office by law.

The Municipal Office is also entitled to make decisions of providing information under the Act no. 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information, as amended.

Municipal Office of Ústí nad Orlicí


Sychrova ulice 16, 562 24 Ústí nad Orlicí, Czech Republic

phone: (+420) 465 514 111

fax: (+420) 465 525 563

Mayor: Petr Hájek

Vice-mayor: Jiří Preclík

Vice-mayor: Pavel Svatoš, Mgr.

Vice-mayor: Matouš Pořický

Secretary of the Municipal Office: Marcel Klement, Ing.

Departments of the Municipal Office:

1. Internal Audit

2. Department of Finance

3. Department of Property Rights

4. Department of Internal Affairs

5. Department of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports

6. Department of Investments

7. Department of the Environment

8. Department of Transport, Road Management and Administrative Agenda

9. Office for Building Industry

10. Trade Licensing Office

11. Department of Social services

12. Organisational Department

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